What Records Are
Most records maintained by public entities are open for inspection and/or copies to be made. The reports available for release include:
- Autopsy Reports
- Toxicology Reports
Kansas Open Records Act recognizes that some records contain information which is private in nature. For this reason, the Act lists a number of exceptions. For a listing of exemptions see K.S.A. 45-221.
How to Request a Record
A request for information is preferred to be in writing. JoCo MEO has prepared this form for this purpose, but it is not required that you use the form. Make sure your request is as specific as possible so that your request may be filled quickly and completely. A JoCo MEO staff person may ask detailed questions in order to fulfill your request accurately. Please indicate whether you want to receive requested records electronically or by mail.
After the request is received, a staff member will respond within three business days to relay the amount of time required to satisfy the request. If the request is delayed or denied, you will receive a written explanation for the delay or denial. Reasons for the denial include, but are not limited to, the case is still an ongoing, open investigation or the case is suppressed.
Each KORA requestor is eligible for one (1) free request per twelve (12) month period if the request can be provided with less than one (1) hour of staff time. Otherwise, the Kansas Open Records Act authorizes public agencies to charge fees for providing access to or furnishing copies of public records. Autopsy and toxicology reports are free of charge; however, for additional records or the complete file, a cost will be incurred. The Medical Examiner's Office may request the fee in advance. This fee may include:
- Cost of staff time required to locate the information
- Cost of copying or reproducing the record (hard copy or scan)
- Cost of staff time to mail